Wednesday, October 27, 2004
"Kon-Tiki" and "Ra II" are crumbling
The Norway Post
Rolleiv Solholm
The Kon-Tiki Museum has warned the Environmental Department that Thor Heyerdahl's "Kon-Tiki" raft made from balsawood logs is cracking up and disintegrating.
It says that the reed boat "Ra II" is also in danger of falling apart.
The Oslo museum says in a letter to Environmental Minister Arild Hareide that a new air condition system is needed to prevent further damage to Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl's famous vessels.
Museum director Maja Bauge says such a plant will cost up to NOK 2 million.
Bauge points out that the Kon-Tiki Museum is a private foundation which receives no public support, and that the institution has only a small fund to operate on.
The Kon-Tiki expedition drifted across the Pasific Ocean, from Peru to Polynesia in 1947.The "Ra II" was used on an expedition to cross the Atlantic from Morocco to South America in 1970.
The Norway Post
Rolleiv Solholm

The Kon-Tiki Museum has warned the Environmental Department that Thor Heyerdahl's "Kon-Tiki" raft made from balsawood logs is cracking up and disintegrating.
It says that the reed boat "Ra II" is also in danger of falling apart.
The Oslo museum says in a letter to Environmental Minister Arild Hareide that a new air condition system is needed to prevent further damage to Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl's famous vessels.
Museum director Maja Bauge says such a plant will cost up to NOK 2 million.
Bauge points out that the Kon-Tiki Museum is a private foundation which receives no public support, and that the institution has only a small fund to operate on.
The Kon-Tiki expedition drifted across the Pasific Ocean, from Peru to Polynesia in 1947.The "Ra II" was used on an expedition to cross the Atlantic from Morocco to South America in 1970.