Friday, April 28, 2006


New move to protect island wreck


April 26, 2006

The vessel is thought to have
sunk in the late 1500s.

Steps are being taken to protect a shipwreck off the Isles of Scilly.
Culture minister David Lammy said a new order making it a criminal offence for anyone to interfere with the wreck without a licence will be put in place.

The vessel, the Bartholomew Ledges, is a 16th Century armed ship which carried medieval bronze bell fragments. It is thought to have sunk in the late 1500s.

The site of the wreck, which was found in the 70s, was originally designated as a protected wreck site in 1980.

Recent archaeological reports have shown that the wreck has shifted on the seabed probably because of natural disturbance.

As a result it has been re-designated to maintain its protection.

Mr Lammy said: "It is vital that we provide the opportunity for current and future generations to have access to these significant examples of maritime heritage."

The Isles of Scilly have been the site of many shipwrecks over the years, there are more than 500 registered wrecks around the archipelago.


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